Seeing you through
all the stages of
your dog's life.
Happy dog,
happy human.
Your Best Behavior:
Dog Training in Central PA
Dogs are members of our families. These furry friends bring joy and love to our lives. Whether you have a brand new puppy, a recent rescue, or a dog who has been with you for years, I'm here to see you through all the stages of your dog's life.
My dog training group classes and private in-home training use a positive reinforcement, force-free and fear-free approach. Whether you are hoping to work on basic cues, loose leash walking, or you want your pup to be a Canine Good Citizen – I offer training classes to help them be on their best behavior!
AKC FIT Dog Club
What I'm Up To...
I recently applied and qualified to take the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers "Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed" exam. I'll take the exam in September, and when I pass, I'll be Perry County's only Certified Professional Dog Trainer!
After passing the exam, my plans include...
applying to become a Pet Professional Guild Professional Canine Trainer
applying for Fear Free certification
I'm also currently working on Suzanne Clothier's Treat-Retreat Certification program. In the not too-far-distant future, I'll be holding a Treat-Retreat class and recruiting dogs and people to participate. Participants must agree to allow me to take video of them and their dogs as we work through the program (for certification purposes--video content will not be shared publicly). If you're interested, please get in touch!
Mirabel and I were at the Duncannon Appalachian Trail Festival in June, and we met lots of people and even a few dogs. We're hoping to attend next year, too!
We'll be attending a Canine Good Citizen class for the next few weeks in hopes that Mirabel can pass the test and become a Canine Good Citizen. The hardest skill for her will be greeting people without jumping. We're working very hard on making that a reality.
​Upcoming Events
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Must be 18 years of age or older to request or receive services.